Reflections from a therapy room

Thoughts about writing about thinking

For dark matters

— by Paul Wadey, 26.11.2023

In this boundless realm, where earth in twain is riven,

Naked to the marrow of verity, our spirits shiv’n,

Where lone thought’s susurrus in murmuring concession,

Mirror the heart’s pulsing, strange, yet calls to session.

In this hush, my soul, in stellar cloister set apart,

Craves not for touch, but for affinity’s art, the heart.

‘Neath the grave ballet of celestial orbs afar,

‘Midst the dim glimmers of night’s melancholic star,

I wander ‘neath the eve’s luminary, alight,

On a trek through the relentless march of night.

This path, with dread imbued, my soul’s flame to shield,

A pilgrimage for love’s profound and life’s pattern revealed.

Through epochs’ serpentine, enigmatic lore,

Clasping to hope, a beacon amidst night’s core,

Overshadowed by qualm, that spectral cell of fright,

Each stride a waltz, with destiny’s fleeting light.

Meeting phantasms, in tales of yore enshrouded,

In my spirit’s tableau, emotive echoes unclouded.

At journey’s end, where solitary roads blend,

My thoughts seek love’s transient, evasive ascend.

In profound stillness, where hearts alone implore,

A verdant glade of peace, from passion’s fiery store.

Yet ‘neath calm’s guise, a fervent yearning swells,

An embryonic seed, in ambition’s wells.

In serenity, ‘gainst love’s tempestuous gale,

Desire, in my soul’s depths, assumes its form and tale.

Beyond silent woes and muted creeds,

Where dream and reality in union proceeds,

My essence soars, for a glance, a murmured sign,

In the heavenly sphere, love’s ephemeral align.

Through myth’s maze, by astral guides decreed,

With destiny’s shadow, through eras I proceed.

In the vast void, my yearning, a dream so widespread,

Each thought a star, each longing a comet’s head.

On wisdom’s brink, where insight and mystery are sewn,

I fathom love’s voyage, embarked upon alone.

In this cosmos, brimming with contradiction and awe,

My heart resonates with Hope’s universal law.

A melody of yearning, ‘oft melodious miscue,

Reverberating in the abyss, where fantasies eschew.

In the immense embrace, solace I do find,

For wordless visions, paths not yet outlined.

In night’s veiled serenity, where constellations frolic and sway,

My spirit roams, in unending, lone ballet.

In quest of syzygy, ‘midst the vast heaven’s array,

For in boundless infinity, the soul’s deepest affray,

Ever adrift, in solitude’s majestic sea,

A seeker of affection’s concealed, eternal decree.

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